Wednesday, December 12, 2012

What does music mean to you? With up and coming local musician James Christy!

The lovely and very talented James Christy took a bit of time out from his busy gigging schedule to answer a few questions for us this week! James and Adam Williams, 22 and 16 respectively, have just released their first album together. James has Asperger's Syndrome and all the proceeds from their album 'Ambitious' go to Ambitious about Autism.

Hi James! So how did you get into the music industry - where did it all begin? 

It started when I was at school. My music teacher heard me sing and said I had to do the next school production. I did it and loved every minute so put all my effort into finding places to perform, contacted a few agents and got loads of work. A year later I was playing guitar and writing songs.

Was it always your dream to make music?

I didn't know what I wanted to do for a long while. I flirted with being a cartographer (someone who makes maps) for a while! Ha! When I discovered I could sing it was all that I wanted to do and I focused on that.

Who have been your biggest influences, both musicians that inspire you and people that have helped you realise your dreams?

To be honest my biggest influence has got to be my dad. When I got diagnosed with Aspergers and Epilepsy he gave up his job to be my full time carer. My love of music came from my dad; he was playing in a country rock band when I was growing up so strangely enough I now love 3 or 4 part harmonies and storytelling lyrics- I try to encorporate both into my song writing now.

How has your Aspergers influenced you in terms of music - has having a condition like that made you feel you should fight even harder for what you want?

The Aspergers has made me more focused on music and has given me the wonderful ability to learn songs quickly. Most Aspergers tend to get really stuck into certain subjects, throughout my life I've been incredibly interested in dinosaurs, seals and music so I'm glad I finally chose to work in music.

We've listened to your album preview on YouTube and we're loving the sound (I can hear bits of a Santana influence in there) - your album with Adam Williams came out last month, I guess that got you pretty excited?

I'm incredibly excited, this is my first real release. We co-wrote and I produced/recorded the album in my home studio. This is just the start, I've got lot of solo recordings coming out in the next month, this next year is going to be incredible!

What's been the best gig you've ever done? Or a defining moment that made you think 'yes! This is what it's all about!'

That's a hard one. I've gigged all over the country in lots of amazing venues but I have to say playing at the Guild Hall in Preston to 1000 people tops the lot.

Any diva traits you can confess to?

Ooo that's a difficult one I'm a little OCD don't know if that counts but hey! I like to be organised and try to be professional at all times. I haven't asked for only blue m&ms yet! 

What's coming up in the future for you? 

I've got a single with Adam out in a couple of weeks called 'Runaway' and my own solo album out this month. Just in the process of organising some gigs for the New Year. Sign up to my mailing list on my website and I'll let you all know about any gigs in Manchester and the surrounding area that come up.

What does music mean to you?

Music is my life and I can't imagine myself without it, I will do this all my life, no doubt.

Do you have an all-time favourite song?

I like loads of different stuff but my favourite song has to be The Beatles - In My Life; the song is just incredible. 

We love The Beatles too! So, where can we buy your album?

iTunes, Amazon and direct on my website. I must say on my website as it's cheaper than the other two so grab a bargain - it's all for charity.

Aaaand finally, what's your favourite sandwich?

Anything with chicken, I love chicken!

Well, we suggest James gets his bum down to Sillis pronto to try our famous jerk chicken!

So we'd just like to say a huuuge thank you to James for taking the time to chat with us. You can check out his website here to sign up to the mailing list, or like him on Facebook and follow him on Twitter. Lovely stuff. Keep listening guys!

Sillis xxx

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