Wednesday, November 7, 2012

What does music mean to you? Yasmin Evans!

Yasmin Evans is 22 and has been presenting the morning show on BBC Radio IXtra since September. She popped into Sillis for her favourite lunch yesterday and we managed to have a chat about music and, more importantly, sandwiches.

How did you get into radio presenting?
Well I studied media at college and there was this one tutor, David Chandler, who just got me really excited about media. So I started volunteering at All FM while I was at college, and then I went to uni in Salford and studied TV & Radio.

So how did you land your dream job?
It is my dream job! Well I was in my 3rd year of uni, wondering if it was all worth it, and someone tweeted me and got me a free ticket (just one! I went alone!) to 1Xtra Live, and I managed to get an interview with Tim Westwood. That was one year ago, it’s amazing how much has changed in that one year.
So I just pestered people, and eventually got a guest slot on Tim Westwood’s show. Then in February this year Emma Stephens asked for a demo by tweet. I did one pilot show in February, and I was so nervous. They said I wouldn’t hear back for three months, but two weeks later I was in New York and I got an email saying they wanted me for another 9 pilots with Glen Middleditch – Westwood’s producer!
On the 24th May, I’d only done 8 of my 9 pilots, and I got a phone call asking me to be the weekend presenter. It was amazing. And now I’m hosting a stage at 1Xtra Live, where last year I was excited to be running around on my own in a 1Xtra T-shirt!

What does music mean to you?
I’ve always been obsessed with music, always collected vinyls. It’s the basis of everything really, I’d end up having to listen to my own heartbeat and make a beat for myself if music didn’t exist! I wouldn’t be passionate about anything! Except food… if it wasn’t for music I’d probably be really fat. I’d be a massive chef. Music is my sat nav.

Who are your influences?
I suppose I’m influenced by Trevor Nelson, MistaJam and producers like Predator. But my biggest influences have to be people who’ve helped me along the way: David Chandler who I mentioned before, he introduced ame to the media in general; David Nolan from uni who inspired me to be powerful, to have confidence and be cocky; Liz Peters who taught me to present and to not be shy; and Aaron Roberts (former co-presenter at All fm) who always kept me tight when I really needed to get focused.

All-time favourite song?
‘Never too much’ by Luther Van Dross. It’s just when the first beats drop!

And last but by no means least, all-time favourite sandwich?
The Brooklyn Bridge, there’s just a lot going on! And I liked the Brooklyn Bridge pie!

1Xtra Live starts on November 12th and is coming to Manchester' O2 Apollo on Tuesday 13th November, with massive acts on like Rita Ora, Misha B and DJ Fresh. Tickets are sold out but tune in to 1Xtra for chances to win tickets!

Follow Yas on Twitter here.

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